Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The year 1 B.O?

US President Barack Obama and wife Michelle walk towards the White House

20/01/2009 A.D = 1/1/1 B.O?

No no, it's not the year that the armpit messiah came! It's the year we watched history unfold before our very eyes on television. In a quiet café in Cork, blaring over the mumbles of boring conversation,I heard the prayers and desires of the American people echo. They saw their new found hero finally taking office and taking his rightful place as 44th President of the United States of America.

My only issue with Obama is his stance on partial birth abortion. I am "Pro Choice", however, I am anti abortion. That sounds like a twisted stance but I cherish the God given free will we all have and think that Women who are pregnant and who are considering an abortion need to resolve the issue themselves. Despite this, I hope that Obama does sign the Freedom of Choice Act.

One thing I have learnt personally over the past two weeks is.....Credit cards are evil! They are possibly the smallest and greatest temptation you can have! You open your wallet and realise you have no money and BAM there's your credit card in your face seducing you! I'm not sure what I'll do with it....I *might* cancel it but it is handy. I just hope I don't get to silly with it.

Moving on from this, I would like to publicly declare my love for Ulster Bank. I love Ulster Bank because even in the hellish recession facing the banks, they trust people like ME. I hope it isn't to their detriment!

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